We completely understand the hoopla around Shah Rukh Khan, who is currently the subject of an internet overload and obsession. The actor recently took part in and gave a performance at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, which also included several well-known figures. On social media, a vintage clip of Shah Rukh dancing to the song “Le Gayi” from “Dil To Pagal Hai” is going viral, and netizens are commenting. To view the video, scroll down.
Anisha Dalal, a senior teacher at the school run by eminent choreographer Shiamak Davar, posted SRK’s video to Instagram with the caption, “It’s gold because it gave so many dancers wings and made SDIPA a beautiful journey. While one was in it or left it to dream larger and different, thank you @shiamakofficial.
The best thing you will see on the internet right now is a video of Shah Rukh Khan dancing to the song “Le Gayi” from Dil To Pagal Hai. The movie, which was directed by Yash Chopra and features Karisma Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit in key roles, is one of the most well-known SRK productions.
Watch the following video:
A user on Instagram responded to Shah Rukh Khan’s video on social media by saying, “This is priceless. I’m grateful that you gave so many dancers wings and made SDIPA a lovely journey while they were in it or making it big and left to dream differently.
Another user commented, “Best thing on the internet today! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”
A third user commented, “Shahrukhhhhh🔥🔥🔥😩😩😩”
The comments section below the video is filled with red heart emojis, and we don’t blame fans, it’s a great throwback to reminisce about.
What are your thoughts on Shahrukh Khan’s dance in Le Gayi? Tell us in the space below.