On March 15, Alia Bhatt turned 30. The actress, who gave birth to Raha Kapoor, the daughter of her and her actor-husband Ranbir Kapoor, last year, discussed how becoming a mother has affected her in a new interview. Raha, Alia’s daughter, was born on November 6, 2022, and she attributes Raha with providing her with “1000 watts of vitality” anytime she feels unwell or run down. Alia Bhatt talks about her and Ranbir Kapoor’s daughter Raha Kapoor.
A new mother’s experience of “mom glitch” was another topic Alia discussed openly. It’s “quite typical for most mothers,” she said. After Raha was born, Ranbir Kapoor, Shaheen Bhatt, their mother, star Soni Razdan, and their families were present to keep an eye on her, he continued. She appeared as though she was “trying her best,” according to Aaliya.
Humans of Bombay asked Alia Bhatt about “parent guilt,” and she responded, “Guilt is a very common emotion. Extremely common; most mothers will experience it. Telling yourself that you’re doing your best is crucial. It’s crucial to realize that maintaining your mental health will benefit your child as well because whatever brings you joy. My support system was what actually helped me. My husband, sister, mother, and the rest of my family were always there to look out for me and make me feel like I was doing the best I could. Having only recently begun, the voyage is now tremendously There’s stuff to look into. The trip was undoubtedly the best experience of my life.”
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor (left); A picture of Raha Kapoor’s bedding set.
Alia claimed to have recently discussed the “desire to continually do everything to perfection” with her sister Shaheen Bhatt. The performer acknowledged that being a working mother might be “very stressful” on some days.
She stated: “On some days, I have a really difficult time. Yet I have a really hard time telling myself that it’s not simple… I have so much to think about that my head is cluttered “. One must therefore let things depend on other people, but I am unable to let things go and must constantly be in control. Being a mother is a novel experience, and anything novel or involving change is never easy. It is also the most fulfilling sensation. Sometimes, when I’m feeling tired or unwell, I only need to glance at my infant to feel like I have a thousand watts of vitality. It’s something I decided on in the end. I chose to be a producer, an entrepreneur, an actor and a mother, so I chose all these different parts. So I can’t sit and complain And can be like ‘life is too hard’.”
Alia continued, “A good night’s sleep is crucial to re-energize yourself. Sleep is the most important thing to do that.” The actor added that multitasking is what women are designed to do. Without intending to sound’showy or smug,’ Alia claimed that she understood women are ‘natural multitaskers’. Because she is a woman and “can do it everything,” the performer claimed, she finds solace and relief.
With Ranveer Singh, Dharmendra, and Jaya Bachchan, Alia’s next film appearance will be in Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. With the August 2018 premiere of the Netflix feature “Heart of Stone,” Alia will also make her Hollywood debut.